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Drunk Driving vs Driving Tired, What's Worse?

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Traffic accident lawyers know that sleep-driving injuries are just as serious as drunk-driving or distracted-driving injuries, but there is no widespread hype against sleep-driving. People don't take drowsy driving as seriously as drunk driving or distraction. 

Drowsy driving is common in people who…

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Speed Cameras In Toronto Are Actually Working

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Toronto began using photoradar again — dubbed "automatic speed limit" — a year ago, and aside from a few problems with people literally stealing cars from the sidewalk or setting them on fire, the program has been effective. The cameras are located near schools and public safety areas as part of the city's Vision Zero program, and officials say there is evidence the cameras slow down speeds and make roads safer. Toronto's automated cruise control program has been in place for 11 months, and cameras issue thousands of speeding tickets every week. [Sources: 2, 8] All of Toronto's speed cameras...

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